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Water Management Solutions for Mines

We understand that water can be a challenge if not addressed properly from the beginning or throughout your project or mining operation. Whether your project is in Canada or internationally we work with environmental and governmental regulations to protect the diverse ecosystems of your project.

Evertek applies its geotechnical and civil engineering experience and expertise to bring in clarity during the preliminary design phases, and during the construction and development of your mining operation. Our team is focused on delivering risk mitigation by applying effective water management services to attenuate the risks associated with flooding, landslides, rock falls and water-related incidents. 

We work on site assessments, characterization, and selection to generate water management solutions that are needed for Environmental Assessments (EA), preliminary economic assessment (PEA), prefeasibility studies (PFS) and internal reviews.

Green underground rainwater harvesting system is built around commercial areas so that stormwater can be harvested in an eco friendly manner


During the permitting process our client services offer regulatory agency member engagement liaison between our team and members of regulating local or international agency to ensure effective communication allows for permit approval.